

The SQL UPDATE Statement

The SQL UPDATE Statement

The SQL UPDATE Statement

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The SQL UPDATE statement is used to modify existing records in a database table. It allows you to change the values of one or more columns based on specified conditions.

Using the UPDATE Statement

Here's the basic syntax of the UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ... WHERE condition;

Let's consider a sample database table called "Customers" with the following structure:

CustomerID CustomerName City PostalCode Country Address
1 John Doe New York 10001 USA 123 Main St
Customer Database Table

Customer Database Table

CustomerID CustomerName City PostalCode Country Address
1 John Doe New York 10001 USA 123 Main St
2 Jane Smith Los Angeles 90001 USA 456 Elm St

This is a demo database table called "Customers" that showcases customer details. Customize the content and structure of the table to match your specific requirements.

Now, let's see an example of using the UPDATE statement:

Example: Updating Customer Information

UPDATE Customers SET City = 'Los Angeles', PostalCode = '90001' WHERE CustomerID = 1;

This query updates the "City" and "PostalCode" columns for a customer with the "CustomerID" value of 1. The customer's information is modified to reflect the new values of 'Los Angeles' for the city and '90001' for the postal code.


The SQL UPDATE statement is a powerful tool for modifying existing records in a database table. By specifying the columns and their new values, you can update the data according to your requirements. Use the UPDATE statement to make changes to your database tables effectively.

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