

The SQL WHERE Clause

The SQL WHERE Clause and Operators

The SQL WHERE Clause and Operators

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The SQL WHERE clause is used to filter records in a database table based on specified conditions. It allows you to retrieve only the rows that satisfy the given criteria. Additionally, you can use various operators to build complex conditions.

Demo Database Table: Customers

Let's consider a sample database table called "Customers" with the following structure:

CustomerID CustomerName Address City PostalCode Country
1 John Doe 123 Main St New York 10001 USA
2 Jane Smith 456 Elm St Los Angeles 90001 USA
3 Mark Johnson 789 Oak St London SW1A 1AA UK

Using the WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause allows you to specify conditions to filter records. Here's an example:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country = 'USA';

This query retrieves all columns (*) from the "Customers" table for the customers whose country is "USA". The result would be the following rows:

CustomerID CustomerName Address City PostalCode Country
1 John Doe 123 Main St New York 10001 USA
2 Jane Smith 456 Elm St Los Angeles 90001 USA

Operators in the WHERE Clause

Operators such as =, <>, >, <, >=, <=, LIKE, IN, and NOT can be used in the WHERE clause to build conditions. Here are a few examples:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE PostalCode > 90000;

This query retrieves all customers with postal codes greater than 90000.

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Country IN ('USA', 'UK');

This query retrieves all customers from either the USA or the UK.

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'J%';

This query retrieves all customers whose names start with the letter 'J'.

Text Fields vs. Numeric Fields

When comparing values in the WHERE clause, text fields and numeric fields may require different operators. For example, use = or LIKE for text fields, and use >, <, >=, or <= for numeric fields.

Keep in mind that the specific syntax and available operators may vary depending on the SQL database management system you are using.

The SQL WHERE clause and operators provide a powerful mechanism for filtering records in a database table. By using conditions and operators effectively, you can retrieve the specific data you need for analysis, reporting, or other purposes.

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